AA | = | Algemene Asielprocedure |
AAS | = | Amsterdam Airport Schiphol |
ABP | = | Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds |
AC | = | Aanmeldcentrum |
AE | = | Aanhoudingseenheid |
AEHF | = | Advanced Extreme High Frequency |
AIV | = | Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken |
AIVD | = | Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst |
AMIS | = | African Union Mission Sudan |
AO | = | Algemeen Overleg |
AOCS | = | Air Operations Control Station |
AOM | = | Allied Operations and Missions |
APSA | = | African Peace and Security Structure |
ASE | = | Aircraft Survivability Equipment |
ASSM | = | Anti Surface Ship Missiles |
AVDD | = | Audio-Visuele Dienst Defensie |
AWACS | = | Airborne Early Warning and Control System |
BE | = | Bijstandseenheid |
BES | = | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba |
BG | = | Bedrijfsgroep |
(BG)T | = | (Bedrijfsgroep) Transport |
BIMS | = | Bureau Internationale Militaire Sportwedstrijden |
BINUB | = | Bureau Intégré des Nations Unies au Burundi |
BMS | = | Battlefield Management System |
BPB | = | Beleids-, plannings- en begrotingsprocedure |
BS | = | Bestuursstaf |
BSB | = | Brigade Speciale Beveiligingsopdrachten |
BTW | = | Belasting Toegevoegde Waarde |
BV | = | Bandvagn |
C4ISR | = | Command & Control, Communications, Computers & Information and Intelligence, Surveillance & Recognation |
CAO | = | Collectieve Arbeidsovereenkomst |
CARIB | = | Caribisch Gebied |
CBOPS | = | Crisisbeheersingsoperaties |
CBRN | = | Chemisch, Biologisch, Radiologisch, Nucleair |
CDC | = | Commando DienstenCentra |
CDS | = | Commandant der Strijdkrachten |
CE | = | Chemische Energie |
CFMCC | = | Combined Force Maritime Component Command |
CFSP | = | Common Foreign and Security Policy |
CEKI | = | Commissie voor Economie, Kennis en Innovatie |
C-IED | = | Counter Improvised Explosive Devices |
CIMIC | = | Civil-Military Cooperation |
CIS | = | Communicatie- en informatiesysteem |
CKMAR | = | Commando Koninklijke marechaussee |
CLAS | = | Commando landstrijdkrachten |
CLSK | = | Commando luchtstrijdkrachten |
CMBA | = | Civiel-Militaire Bestuursafspraken |
CMF | = | Combined Maritime Forces |
CMH | = | Centraal Militair Hospitaal |
COID | = | Centrale Organisatie Integriteit Defensie |
COMKAF | = | Commander Kandahar Airfield |
COMPATRIOT | = | Communication Patriot |
CPA | = | Comprehensive Peace Agreement |
CTF | = | Combined Task Force |
CUP | = | Capability Upgrade Programme |
CV | = | Commandovoertuig |
CVHOPS | = | Crisis-, Vredes- en Humanitaire Operaties |
CZMCARIB | = | Commandant der Zeemacht in het Caribisch Gebied |
CZSK | = | Commando zeestrijdkrachten |
DBB | = | Defensie Bedrijfsstoffenbedrijf |
DBBO | = | Defensie Bewakings- en Beveiligingsorganisatie |
DBFMO | = | Design, Build, Finance, Maintenance and Operate |
DBGS | = | Defensie Bedrijf Grondgebonden Systemen |
DBV | = | Dienst Beveiliging Vastgoed |
DC | = | DienstenCentrum |
DCDI | = | Dienstencentrum Documentaire Informatievoorziening |
DCDV | = | Dienstencentrum Dienstverlening |
DCIOD | = | Dienstencentrum Internationale Ondersteuning Defensie |
DCMO | = | Datacommunicatie Mobiel Optreden |
DDG | = | Duik- en Demonteer Groep |
DDN | = | Defensie Duurzaamheidnota |
DEFCERT | = | Defensiebreed Computer Emergency Response Team |
DGI | = | Defensie Gerelateerde Industrie |
DHC | = | Defensie Helikopter Commando |
DI | = | Documentaire Informatie |
DIS | = | Defensie Industrie Strategie |
DLBE | = | District Landelijke en Buitenlandse Eenheden |
DMO | = | Defensie Materieel Organisatie |
DMP | = | Defensie Materieel Proces |
DMUNB | = | Defensie Munitiebedrijf |
DNB | = | De Nederlandsche Bank |
DPD | = | Defensie Personele Diensten |
DR&D | = | Defence Research and Development |
DRC | = | Democratische Republiek Congo |
DSI | = | Dienst Speciale Interventies |
DTO | = | Defensie Telematica Organisatie |
DVD | = | Dienst Vastgoed Defensie |
DVO | = | Dienstverleningsovereenkomst |
EASBRIG | = | East-African Stand-by Brigade |
EATC | = | European Air Transport Command |
EDA | = | Europees Defensie Agentschap |
EDISON TD | = | Edison Travel Documents System |
EGF | = | Europese Gendarmerie Eenheid |
EKMS | = | Electronic Key Management System |
EOV | = | Elektronische Oorlogsvoering |
EPA | = | Energie Prestatie Adviezen |
ERP | = | Enterprise Resource Planning |
EU | = | Europese Unie |
EUBAM | = | EU Border Assistance Mission |
EUFOR | = | European Force |
EULEX | = | European Union Rule of Law Mission (Kosovo) |
EUMM | = | European Union Monitor Mission |
EUPM | = | European Union Police Mission (Bosnië) |
EUPOL | = | EU Police (Afghanistan) |
EUSEC | = | EU Communications Security and Evaluation Agency |
EVDB | = | Europees Veiligheids- en Defensiebeleid |
EZ | = | Economische Zaken |
EZB | = | Enkel Zij Band |
FARDC | = | Forces Armées de République Democratique du Congo |
FBD | = | Facilitair Bedrijf Defensie |
FBUH | = | Fysieke Bescherming en Uitrusting Hulpverleners |
FDC | = | Financieel Dienstencentrum |
FES | = | Fonds Economische Structuurversterking |
FMW | = | Faculteit Militaire Wetenschappen |
FPS | = | Flexibel Personeelssysteem |
FRISC | = | Fast Raiding, Interception and Special Forces Craft |
FS | = | Facility Services |
GLA | = | Geweer Lange Afstand |
GPW | = | Groot Pantserwielvoertuig |
GZ | = | Gezondheidszorg |
HDP | = | Hoofddirectie Personeel |
HDV | = | Hogere Defensie Vorming |
HF | = | High Frequency |
HGIS | = | Homogene Groep Internationale Samenwerking |
HQ | = | Headquarter |
HR | = | Human Resource |
HRF(L) | = | High Readiness Forces (Land) |
HRM | = | Human Resource Management |
HV | = | Helderheid Versterkend |
ICMS | = | Intensivering Civiel-Militaire Samenwerking |
ICT | = | Informatie- en Communicatietechnologie |
ID | = | Identification |
IDL | = | Instituut Defensie Leergangen |
IDP | = | Internaly Displaced Person |
IDR | = | Instituut Samenwerking Defensie Relatieziekenhuizen |
IDS | = | Indringer Detectie Systeem/Intrusion Detection System |
IED | = | Improvised Explosive Device |
IFF | = | Identification Friend or Foe |
IG | = | Innovation Game |
IGK | = | Inspecteur-Generaal Krijgsmacht |
IGV | = | Infanterie Gevechtsvoertuig |
IISS | = | Initial In Service Support |
IJC | = | ISAF Joint Command |
IMD | = | International Institute for Management Development |
IPSTC | = | International Peace Support Training Centre |
IPU | = | Integrated Police Unit |
IRF | = | Immediate Response Force |
ISAF | = | International Security Assistance Force |
ISTAR | = | Intelligence Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance |
IV | = | Informatie Voorziening |
IVENT | = | Informatievoorziening en -Technologie |
JCG | = | Joint CIS Group |
JIP | = | Joint Investment Programs |
JISTARC | = | Joint ISTAR Commando |
JSF | = | Joint Strike Fighter |
JSS | = | Joint Support Ship |
KFOR | = | Kosovo Force |
KIM | = | Koninklijk Instituut Marine |
KMA | = | Koninklijke Militaire Academie |
KPU | = | Kleding- en Persoonsgebonden Uitrusting |
KTOMM | = | Koninklijk Tehuis voor Oud-Militairen en Museum Bronbeek |
KWNA&A | = | Kustwacht voor de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba |
LC(F) | = | Luchtverdedigings- en Commando(fregat) |
LCW | = | Logistiek Centrum Woensdrecht |
LOKKMAR | = | Landelijk Opleidings- en Kenniscentrum KMar |
LOT | = | Liaison and Observation Team |
LPD | = | Landing Platform Dock |
LTD | = | Leergang Topmanagement Defensie |
LZV | = | Landelijk Zorgsysteem Veteranen |
M&F | = | Materieel & Financiën |
M(-FREGAT) | = | Multi-purpose(-fregat) |
MABE | = | Marinebedrijf |
MARIN | = | Maritiem Research Instituut Nederland |
ME | = | Mobiele eenheid |
MECHBRIG | = | Gemechaniseerde Brigade |
MGGZ | = | Militair Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg |
MIA(-V) | = | Maatschappelijke Innovatie Agenda (Veiligheid) |
MILSATCOM | = | Military Satellite Communications |
MIP | = | Militair Invaliditeitspensioen |
MIVD | = | Militaire Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst |
MJEB | = | Marine Joint Effect Battery |
MK | = | Medische Keuringen |
MKB | = | Midden- en Kleinbedrijf |
MLU | = | Midlife Update |
MOR | = | Mortier Opsporingsradar |
MOU | = | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPA | = | Maritime Patrol Aircraft |
MPO | = | Materieelprojectenoverzicht |
MTADS | = | Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight |
MTBMD | = | Maritime Tactical Ballistic Missile Defence |
MTF | = | Maritime Task Force/Mentoring Task Force |
MTT | = | Mobile Training Teams |
MTV | = | Mobiel Toezicht Veiligheid |
NAR | = | Noord-Atlantische Raad |
NATO | = | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NATRES | = | Nationale Reserve |
NAVO | = | Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie |
NAVFOR | = | Naval Force |
NDMC | = | Nationale Datalink Managementcel |
NFH | = | NATO Frigate Helicopter |
NIC | = | Nationale Inlichtingen Cel |
NIDV | = | Nederlandse Industrie voor Defensie en Veiligheid |
NIMH | = | Nederlands Instituut voor de Militaire Historie |
NLD | = | Nederland |
NLDA | = | Nederlandse Defensie Academie |
NLMARFOR | = | Netherlands Maritime Force |
NLR | = | Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium |
NLTC | = | Netherlands Liaison Team CENTCOM |
NM | = | Nieuw Milligen |
NRF | = | NATO Response Force |
NTM (-A) | = | NATO Training Mission (- Afghanistan) |
NTM-I | = | NATO Training Mission – Iraq |
OAD | = | Operationele Aanpassingen Diemaco |
OCKMAR | = | Opleidingscentrum Koninklijke marechaussee |
OD | = | Operationele doelstelling |
OG | = | Operationeel Gereed |
OGRV | = | Object Grondverdediging |
OMLT | = | Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team |
OOCL | = | Operationeel Ondersteuningscommando Land |
OP | = | Operation |
OZD | = | Onderzeedienst |
PA | = | Palestijnse Autoriteit |
PALS | = | Project Aanpassingen Legacy Speer |
PAM | = | Project Aanpassing Mijnenbestrijdingscapaciteit |
PAS | = | Psychologisch Advies en Selectie |
PDC | = | Producten- en Dienstencatalogus |
PESC | = | Politique étrangère et de Securité Commune |
PGM | = | Precision Guided Ammunition |
PGU | = | Persoonsgebonden Uitrusting |
PI | = | Prestatie-Indicator |
PPS | = | Publiek-Private Samenwerking |
PRTL | = | Pantserrupsvoertuig tegen luchtdoelen |
PTSS | = | Post Traumatisch Stress Syndroom |
QRA | = | Quick Reaction Alert |
R&D | = | Research and Development |
RBV | = | Rijksbegrotingsvoorschriften |
RBZ | = | Raad Buitenlandse Zaken |
RC | = | Regional Command |
RCA | = | République Central Africaine |
RDTF | = | Redeployment Taskforce |
RES | = | Resolutie |
RFP | = | Response Forces Pool |
RGD | = | Rijksgebouwendienst |
RHB | = | Rijkshoofdboekhouding |
ROC | = | Regionaal Opleidingscentrum |
RPE | = | Regeling Periodiek Evaluatieonderzoek |
RWT | = | Rechtspersoon met een wettelijke taak |
RZO | = | Raad voor civiel-militaire Zorg en Onderzoek |
SAR | = | Search and Rescue |
SBIR | = | Small Business Innovation Reseach |
SBK | = | Sociaal Beleidskader |
SDD | = | System Development and Demonstration |
SHF | = | Super High Frequency |
SLA | = | Service Level Agreements |
SNMG | = | Standing NATO Reaction Force Maritime Group |
SPEER | = | Strategic Process and Enterprise Resource Planning Enabled Reengineering |
SPLM | = | Sudan People Liberation Movement |
SRIM | = | Snelrichtmiddelen |
SSD | = | Security Sector Development |
SSR | = | Security Sector Reform |
STARS | = | Sensor Technology Applied in Reconfigurable Systems for Sustainable Security |
SZVK | = | Stichting Ziektekostenverzekering Krijgsmacht |
TACF | = | Transportable Air Control Facility |
TACTIS | = | Tactische Indoor Simulation |
TFU | = | Task Force Uruzgan |
TITAAN | = | Theatre Independent Tactical Army and Airforce Network |
TNFH | = | Tactical NATO Frigate Helicopter |
TNO | = | Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek |
TU | = | Technische Universiteit |
UIM | = | Unit Interventie Mariniers |
UN | = | United Nations |
UNAMID | = | United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur |
UNDOF | = | United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
UNIFIL | = | United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
UNMIS | = | United Nations Mission in Sudan |
UNODC | = | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |
UNTSO | = | United Nations Truce and Supervision Organization |
USCENTCOM | = | United States Central Command |
USSC | = | United States Security Coordinator |
VAO | = | Voorbereiding Algemeen Overleg |
VHF | = | Very High Frequency |
VIP | = | Very Important Person |
VN | = | Verenigde Naties |
VNVR | = | Verenigde Naties Veiligheidsraad |
VOSS | = | Verbeterd Operationeel Soldaat Systeem |
VPD | = | Vessel Protection Detachment |
VROM | = | Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieu |
VTE | = | Voltijdsequivalent |
WGO | = | Wetgevingsoverleg |
WIA | = | Wet Werk en Inkomen naar Arbeidsvermogen |
WIV | = | Wet op de Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdiensten |
WVO | = | Wet Veiligheidsonderzoeken |
YPR | = | Pantserrupsvoertuig, type Y |
ZBO | = | Zelfstandig Bestuursorgaan |
ZSK | = | Zeestrijdkrachten |
ZVW | = | Zorgverzekeringswet |