AC | = | Aanmeldcentrum |
ABDO | = | Algemene Beveiligingseisen voor Defensieopdrachten |
AD | = | Algemene Dienst |
ADR | = | Auditdienst Rijk |
AE | = | Aanhoudingseenheid |
AGW | = | Assortimentsgewijs werken |
AMB | = | Air Manoeuvre Brigade |
AMBV | = | Mijnenbestrijdingsvaartuig van de Alkmaar-klasse |
AMET | = | Aero Medical Evacuation Team |
AMISOM | = | African Union Mission in Somalia |
AOM | = | Allied Operations and Missions |
AOCS (NM) | = | Air Operations Control Station (Nieuw Milligen) |
ATF | = | Air Task Force |
AWW | = | Above Water Warfare |
BAP | = | Baltic Air Policing |
BBM | = | Brigade Buitenland Missies |
BE | = | Bijstandseenheid |
BG | = | Battle Group |
BG | = | Bedrijfsgroep |
BINUB | = | Bureau Intégré des Nations Unies au Burundi |
BIV | = | Budget Internationale Veiligheid |
BLOW | = | Bestuursovereenkomst Landelijke Ontwikkeling Windenergie |
BMS | = | Battlefield Management System |
BSB | = | Brigade Speciale Beveiligingsopdrachten |
BST | = | Border Security Team |
BTW | = | Belasting Toegevoegde Waarde |
CARIB | = | Caribisch Gebied |
CBS | = | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek |
CDC | = | Commando DienstenCentra |
CEAG | = | Coördinatie-centrum Expertise Arbeidsomstandigheden en Gezondheid |
CFK | = | Chloorfluorkoolstoffen |
CFMCC | = | Combined Force Maritime Component Command |
CIED | = | Counter Improvised Explosive Devices |
CIMIC | = | Civil-military Cooperation |
CIS | = | Communicatie- en Informatiesystemen |
CKMAR | = | Commando Koninklijke Marechaussee |
CLAS | = | Commando Landstrijdkrachten |
CLSK | = | Commando Luchtstrijdkrachten |
CMH | = | Centraal Militair Hospitaal |
CODEMO | = | Commissie Defensie Materieel Ontwikkeling |
COID | = | Centrale Organisatie Integriteit Defensie |
CONTCO | = | Contingentscommando |
CSTC(A) | = | Combined Security Transition Command Afghanistan |
CTF | = | Commander Task Force |
CRL | = | Crowd and Riot Control |
CUP | = | Capability Upgrade Programme |
CV-90 | = | Combat Vehicle 90 |
CZSK | = | Commando zeestrijdkrachten |
DBBO | = | Defensie Beveiligings- en Bewakingsorganisatie |
DBBS | = | Defensie Bewakings- en Beveiligingssysteem |
DBV | = | Dienst Beveiliging Vastgoed |
DCHR | = | Dienstencentrum Human Resources |
DCIVB | = | Dienstencentrum IV-beheer |
DCOID | = | Dienstencentrum Internationale Ondersteuning Defensie |
DDG | = | Duik- en Demonteergroep |
DGOTC | = | Defensie Geneeskundig Opleidings- en TrainigsCentrum |
DGI | = | Defensiegerelateerde industrie |
DGO | = | Divisie Gezondheidsszorg Organisatie |
DHC | = | Defensie Helikopter Commando |
DIC | = | Defensie Innovatie Competitie |
DIS | = | Defensie Industrie Strategie |
DLBE | = | District Buitenlandse eenheden |
DMO | = | Defensie Materieel Organisatie |
DMP | = | Defensie Materieelkeuze Proces |
DR&D | = | Defence Research & Development |
DRC | = | Democratische Republiek Congo |
DTD | = | Defensie Tandheelkundige Dienst |
DTO | = | Defensie Telematica Organisatie |
DUBO | = | Duurzaam Bouwen |
DVD | = | Dienst Vastgoed Defensie |
EATC | = | European Air Transport Command |
EDA | = | Europees Defensie Agentschap |
EGB | = | Eerstelijns Gezondheidszorg Bedrijf |
EGF | = | Europese Gendarmerie Force |
EODD | = | Explosieven Opruimingsdienst Defensie |
EOV | = | Elektronische oorlogsvoering |
EPA | = | Energie Prestatie Adviezen |
ERP | = | Enterprise Resource Planning |
EU | = | Europese Unie |
EUBAM | = | EU Border Assistance Mission |
EUFOR | = | European Force |
EULEX | = | European Union Rule of Law Mission (Kosovo) |
EUMM | = | European Union Monitor Mission |
EUNAVFOR | = | EU Naval Force |
EUPM | = | European Union Police Mission (Bosnië-Herzegovina) |
EUPOL | = | European Police |
EUSEC | = | European Security |
EVDB | = | Europees Veiligheids- en Defensiebeleid |
FBUH | = | Fysieke bescherming en uitrusting hulpverleners |
FCSS | = | Fast Combat Support Ship |
FES | = | Fonds Economische Structuurversterking |
FGBADS | = | Future Ground Based Air Defence System |
FHQ | = | Field Headquarters |
FINAD | = | Financiële Administratie |
FMS | = | Foreign Military Sales |
FPS | = | Flexibel Personeelssysteem |
FPU | = | Flexibel Pensioen en Uittreden |
FRISC | = | Fast Raiding Intercepting and Special forces Craft |
GO | = | Geoefendheid |
HGIS | = | Homogene Groep Internationale Samenwerking |
HLD | = | High Level Design |
HQ | = | Headquarter |
HRB | = | Hoog Risico Beveiliging |
HRF(L)HQ | = | High Readiness Forces (Land) Headquarters |
HRM | = | Human Resource Management |
ICMS | = | Intensivering Civiel-Militaire Samenwerking |
IED | = | Improvised Explosive Devices |
IG | = | Innovation Game |
IGO | = | Informatie Gestuurd Optreden |
IGV | = | Infanterie Gevechtsvoertuig |
ILS | = | Integrated Logistic Support |
IND | = | Immigratie- en Naturalisatie Dienst |
INK | = | Instituut Nederlandse Kwaliteitszorg |
IPU | = | Integrated Police Unit |
ISAF | = | International Security Assistance Force |
ISR | = | Information Storage and Retrieval |
ISTAR | = | Intelligence Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance |
IT | = | Informatietechnologie |
ITAR | = | International Traffic in Arms Regulation |
IV | = | Informatievoorziening |
IVENT | = | Informatievoorziening en Telematica |
JISTARC | = | Joint Intelligence Surveillance Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance Command |
JPO | = | Joint Program Office |
JSF | = | Joint Strike Fighter |
JTFC | = | Joint Task Force Counter |
KAF | = | Kandahar Airfield |
KFOR | = | Kosovo Force |
KMA | = | Koninklijke Militaire Academie |
LCF | = | Luchtverdedigings- en Commandofregat |
LCW | = | Logistiek Centrum Woensdrecht |
LOKKMAR | = | Landelijk Opleidings- en Kenniscentrum KMAR |
LOT | = | Liaison and Observation Team |
LRIP | = | Low Rate Initial Production |
LSV | = | Luchtmobiel Speciaal Voertuig |
LZV | = | Landelijk Zorgsysteem Veteranen |
MARIN | = | Maritiem Research Instituut Nederland |
ME | = | Mobiele eenheid |
MECHBRIG | = | Gemechaniseerde Brigade |
MFSC | = | Multi Functional Smartcard |
MG | = | Materiele Gereedheid |
MGGZ | = | Militair Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg |
MIA | = | Maatschappelijke Innovatie Agenda |
MILSATCOM | = | Militaire Satellietcommunicatie |
MIVD | = | Militaire Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst |
MKB | = | Midden- en Kleinbedrijf |
MLU | = | Midlife Update |
MoU | = | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPZ | = | Militairen Politiezorg |
MRAT | = | Medium Range Anti-Tank |
MRC | = | Militair Revalidatie Centrum |
MRTT | = | Multi-Role Tanker Transport |
MTADS | = | Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight |
MTV | = | Mobiel Toezicht Veiligheid |
NAFIN | = | Netherlands Armed Forces Integrated Network |
NAHEMA | = | NATO Helicopter Management Agency |
NATO | = | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
NATRES | = | Nationale Reserve |
NAVO | = | Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie |
NBC | = | Nucleair, Biologisch, Chemisch |
NCTV | = | Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid |
NDMC | = | Nationale Datalink Management Cel |
NEC | = | Network Enabled Capabilities |
NFO | = | Normal Framework Operations |
NGO | = | Non-Governemental Organisation/Niet-Gouvernementele Organisatie |
NH-90 | = | Naval Helicopter – 90 |
NIC | = | National Intelligence Cell |
NIMCIS | = | Nieuwe Generatie Mariniers Communicatie- en Informatiesysteem |
NIST | = | National Institute for Standards and Technology |
NLMARFOR | = | Netherlands Maritime Forces |
NLR | = | Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium |
NLTC | = | Netherlands Liaison Team Centcom |
NRF | = | NATO Response Force |
NSE | = | National Support Element |
NSPA | = | NATO Support and Procurement Agency |
NTM-A | = | NATO Training Mission Afghanistan |
NTM-I | = | NATO Training Mission Iraq |
NTN | = | Nafin Transport Network |
NTP | = | Nationaal Technologie Project |
NSPA | = | NATO Support and Procurement Agency |
NMM | = | Nationaal Militair Museum |
OD | = | Operationele doelstelling |
OG | = | Operationele Gereedheid |
OGRV | = | Object Grondverdediging |
OHQ | = | Operational Headquarters |
OM | = | Openbaar Ministerie |
OMLT | = | Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams |
OOCL | = | Operationeel Ondersteuningscommando Land |
OPCO | = | Operationeel Commando |
OPV | = | Ocean going Patrol Vessel |
OZD | = | Onderzeedienst |
PAC | = | Patriot Advanced Capability |
PAM | = | Project Aanpassing Mijnenbestrijdingscapaciteit |
PG | = | Personele Gereedheid |
PMD | = | Professionaliseren Materieelbeheer Defensie |
POD | = | Port Of Disembarkation |
POP | = | Persoonlijk Ontwikkelplan |
PPS | = | Publiek-Private Samenwerking |
PRT | = | Provincial Reconstruction Team (Afghanistan) |
PSFD | = | Production, Sustainment and Follow-on Development |
PW | = | PolitieWet |
Pzh2000 | = | Pantserhouwitser |
QRA | = | Quick Reaction Alert |
RCA | = | République Central Africaine |
RCP | = | Rafah Crossing Point |
RC(S) | = | Regional Command (South) |
RDTF | = | Redeployment Task Force |
R&D | = | Research and Development |
RHB | = | Rijkshoofdboekhouding |
ROC | = | Regionaal Opleidingscentrum |
RPV | = | Remotely Piloted Vehicles |
RVB | = | Rijks Vastgoed Bedrijf |
RWT | = | Rechtspersoon met een Wettelijke Taak |
SAC C-17 | = | Strategic Airlift Capability C-17 |
SAR | = | Search and Rescue |
SBIR | = | Small Business Innovation Research |
SBK | = | Sociaal Beleidskader |
SFIR | = | Stabilization Force Iraq |
SKIA | = | Strategie-, Kennis- en Innovatieagenda |
SLA | = | Service Level Agreement |
SNMG | = | Standing Nato Marine Group |
SOF | = | Special Operations Forces |
SPEER | = | Strategic Process and Enterprise Resource Planning Enabled Reengineering |
SSD | = | Security Sector Development |
SSR | = | Security Sector Reform |
STANAG | = | Standardisation Agreement |
STARS | = | Sensor Technology Applied in Reconfigurable systems for Sustainable security |
SVP | = | Strategisch Vastgoedplan |
SZVK | = | Stichting Ziektekostenverzekering Krijgsmacht |
TACTIS | = | Tactische Indoor Simulator |
TF(U) | = | Task Force (Uruzgan) |
TNO | = | Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek |
TTW | = | Tijdelijke tewerkstelling |
UAV | = | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UNAMID | = | United Nations African Union Mission in Dafur |
UNIFIL | = | United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon |
UNMIS | = | United Nations Mission in Sudan |
UNPOL | = | United Nations Police |
UNTSO | = | United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation |
VIP | = | Very Important Person |
VJTF | = | Very High readiness Joint Taskforce |
VMS | = | Veiligheidsmanagementsysteem |
VN | = | Verenigde Naties |
VOC | = | Veiligheids Innovatie Competitie |
VTE | = | Voltijdsequivalent |
ZBO | = | Zelfstandig Bestuursorgaan |
ZUIS | = | Zeescheepvaart Uitbreidbaar Informatie Systeem |